Orlando New Construction Vacation Homes - Price: 402,900

New Construction Homes being built by Lennar Builders in Davenport on the outskirts of Orlando minutes to Golf Courses shopping lakes and Central Florida s Major Attractions....Welcome to Champions Gate.... Orlando New Construction Vacation Homes are being built by Lennar premier builder and is priced from the low 400 s. Amenties Includes.... The Plaza.....Spa Restaurant Bar Fitness Center Tiki Bar Cabana Tennis Club Tennis Clubhouse Stadium Court 6 Tennis Court Golf Course Golf Club Golf Clubhouse Grill Locker Rooms and Golf Shop The Oasis......Resort-Style Pools Family Pool Lazy River Water Slides Swim-Up Bar Water Falls Beach Entry Pool Spa Splash Pad Grill Bar Fitness Center Theater Game Room Trolleys and Performance Area. Orlando New Construction Vacation Homes can be used as a vacation home or your year round residence. It is a resort -style living community with only one hour to Clear Water Beach and ten to twenty minutes to your favorite attractions. Take a Virtual Tour Of ChampionsGate Magnificent Views and acres of Golf Course makes this the perfect location for your vacation or year round home. When you purchase a Lennar Home in the Country Club of Championgate your bundled Golf membership at the Country Club is included. Championgate also offers two other golf course at competitive rates. It s only fitting that a championship lifestyle comes with three Championship Golf Course. The Club-course - 18 holes Take advantage of the community surrounding and fit for all ages International Course ..18 holes..Greg Norma Designed Course National Course.....18 holes ......Greg Norma Designed Course in a Florida Resort Style Setting. People from virtually all over the world travel thousand of miles to spend a few days or a week in this area and most desire a Orlando New Construction Vacation Home. As part of Lennar s commitment to quality value and integrity your Home is covered by a limited one-year warranty on



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