Yolanda - Female American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

Hi My name is Yolanda and from what the volunteers have learned I am a FRIENDLY and SWEET girl. When the nice volunteers took me out for my photo shoot here they learned that I am VERY GOOD ON A LEASH. I even let you be the leader on walks so I m POLITE too They said I have a SOFT PERSONALITY and even appear on the SHY side so a quieter home would be a suitable match for me. I also have GOOD MANNERS in general. Since I seem to have a NICE MEDIUM ENERGY after some daily exercise I bet we could spend time just being couch potatoes and I would definitely LOVE some CUDDLES too Since I potty outside I also APPEAR HOUSETRAINED. If you have other pets at home feel free to ask staff any questions regarding my temperament and the best way to introduce me to other animals. My adoption fee includes my spay surgery vaccinations microchip and much more. Why don t you pay me a VISIT TODAY Primary Color Red Brown Secondary Color White Weight 44 Age 6yrs 0mths 4wks... More Info



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