Cheap Quality Auto Repair - Price: Depends on job

Between April 7th through May 6th - free tire rotation with any front and rear brake job performed. - free inspection and fluid top off with any repair performed. I offer free quotes on any repair job. Just E-mail me or call 1-219-779-5764 with your cars make model & year & engine along with what problems you are having & would like to have repaired. I m located in Hobart IN near downtown in northwest IN. I do everything from routine maintenance work tune-ups & most major repairs just ask. My most common jobs I do include - Brakes ( disc & drum) - Heater cores - Radiaiator - Replace rotors - Replace rusted or broken brake lines - Change brake calipers - Change wheel cylinder on drum brakes - Starters - Ball Joints - Shocks & Struts - Cap & Rotor - Spark plugs & wires - Complete oil changes - Transmission fluid and filter change - Tire rotation - Tie rods ( inner & outer) I do not align the new tie rods but I get them very close as to where you can drive the vehicle until you can get a proper alignment done. - I also install aftermarket radios & sound systems ( includes me hiding wires ) - As well as anything else to do with tune-ups routine maintenance ( pcv valve air filter fuel filter lights wipers Ect.Ect.Ect. - As for body work I will change bolt on parts ( hood trunk lid doors fenders & bumpers). On trucks I can put on or change out tailgates or replace entire beds. - I also do a lot of aftermarket performance parts and upgrades. With the performance part of my work I also help you get what you want your car to do.(Horsepower wise exhaust sound proper rear end gear per your cars power and transmission and a lot more just ask me) My hourly rate for Electrical or Mechanical Diagnosis is a set rate of 45Per hour. Please feel free to E-mail me with any questions you may have. Remember a small rub or grinding noise might be nothing at all or a small repair. But the longer you let it go on the worse it could get. So don t wait E-mail me and let me know what s going on with your car or truck. Remember with me there s no job to big or to small..... Thanks Rich



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