Mobility Supercenter Yard Sale

Sept. 14 8am - 2pm (Rain date Sept. 21) Mobility Supercenter 7450 Midlothian Turnpike (Corner of Boulders Pkwy and Midlothian Tnpk - in the old Pearson Honda building) Bring your unwanted mobility equipment and household items to sell or shop for new treasures. Mobility Equipment- Furniture- Clothing- Books- Toys- Home D cor- Craft Supplies- Electronics- Tools... and more 10 per space (Approx. 16 x 20 ). Must reserve your space by 9 6 13 by contacting Nikkie at 231-7774.Tables blankets and chairs are NOT provided. Food vendors prohibited. Hot dogs and drinks available.Food & drink proceeds benefit Paralyzed Veterans of America Mid-Atlantic Chapter.



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