Pembroke Welch Corgi Females Ready For Your Family Hlth Guarante

2 Females 1 male Now AvailableOur adorable Pembroke Welch Corgis are ready for your home around July 03.Two males (SOLD)and Two females are available.The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a brilliant and eager to please family companion.This pretty pooch will make a great pal for a family with older children and with ample room to move. The Corgi loves and needs to exercise.Tough loyal confident and joyful the Corgi is the Royal choice.For more great info on the Corgi please visit the Animal Planet Video (Dogs 101) on the Corgi.Below are photos recently taken of our beauties Male (tricolour) - OLIVER ---SOLDFemale (Red and white)- With white face - LizzyFemale (Red and white) Last 2 photos - GracieParents are both Registered CorgisVet Health Inspection CertificateMicrochip with Lifetime Registration (plus Paperwork)General Health Guarantee and 1 Year Genetic Health GuaranteeVet Health Record for your Vet (immunized dewormed first Advantix Multi.



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