8 Harmonicas all different - Price: $100

Stonewall Ct For Sale eight different harmonicas 1) M Hohner made in Germany The Super Chromonica Chromatic Harmonica twelve hole two way C with case. 2) The Victor Harmonica made in Germany ten hole unique horn shape to it. 3) Princes mini charm harmonica made in Japan four hole. 4) Hohner made in Germany black and gold harmonica. 5) Hohner made in Rep. of Ireland Panarmonic Harmonica Lancer ten hole with box and instruction sheet. 6) Blessing made in China twenty hole with box and polishing cloth. 7) M Hohner made in Germany No. 1896 Special 20 Marine Band Harmonica ten hole with box. 8) Harmonic Reed Corp. US Army Band Harmonica ten hole with box and instruction sheet. You get ALL eight for 100.00 CASH only FIRM NO trades Pickup in Burlington WI 53105. Please feel free to CALL anytime Jeremy (at) Thanks ...



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