Gas station with convenience store for sale - Price: 139000

Shell gas station is located on a very busy intersection between Hull street and Court house Rd in North chesterfield. The convenience store sells an average of 32 000 - 35 000 per month in grocery sales . The station pumps an average of 50 000 60 000 gallons per month on a commission basis 3 cents per gallon. The gas company is responsible for all environmental issues tanks pumps and building maintenance. A spacious 3 200 sq ft store is well furnished & stocked. Plenty of parking available. Building is in excellent condition. Lease is only 1500 mo in rent. 2 years left on current lease 5 and 5 years option to renew. Has Beer and Wine license. Brand new frozen yogurt open.Additional income such as lottery commission is approximately 600 month Air 90 month ATM 90 Western union money order 140- 175. Further questions please call Joe at 804-922-2724 or email sebumini(at)



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