ASDR and NSDR Miniature and Toy Australian Shepherds

For Sale Mini & Toy Aussies located in Co. (970) 874-8656 OR (970)234-8646 ASDR & NSDR registered UTD shots & worming shipping available all puppies are socialized daily & leave foot prints in our hearts. We have 5 litters at this time. Freckles X Turbo D.O.B. 03 27 15 Turbo Sire- 14 Black Tri deep copper brown eye Clear for CEA CH CD DM HC JC HUU MDR1 CMR1 NCL NCL6 Carrier for PRA-PRCD Freckles Dam- 13.5 Blue Merle blue eye brown eye Clear for CEA CH CD DM HC JC HUU CMR1 NCL NCL6 PRA-PRCD. Carrier for MDR1



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