Shayla - Female Hound (Unknown Type) Mix

Meet Shayla. Shayla is the hound dog for anyone who wants a pony but has zoning restrictions. She is a tall girl but very lovable and don t worry she folds up nice and compact on the couch. She is the perfect car-mate for those early morning coffee runs or just sitting in the yard while you do yard work. She enjoys cuddling on the couch and loves getting hugs and just craves any attention she can get. Shayla is just learning to play with other dogs but gets along with everyone. She is in a house with birds other dogs and a cat and she gets along with all. Although Shayla is heartworm positive it is very treatable. She also has a sponsor that has paid 50 of her adoption fees. Shayla is a great dog a great companion and a great protector to have around. She can jump after squirrels and birds so a large fence is recommended. She has no aggressive tendencies but because of her size she is best in a home where there are no small children. Primary Color Brown Weight 60 Age 7yrs 2mths 2wks... More Info



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