Willie Wonka - Male American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

Thanks for stopping by my kennel Though I m not sure how I ended up with the name of the famous candy-maker Willie Wonka if I had to guess I earned my name from being so sweet. I m an AFFECTIONATE guy who is VERY PHOTOGENIC and LOVES TO BE PETTED as you could maybe tell from some of the photos of me on the website I already know how to SIT and I m TREAT ORIENTED which means I m EAGER TO LEARN especially with treat rewards I take them very POLITELY. I don t need a whole candy factory to make me happy just a home with a FOREVER FAMILY (and maybe a few tennis balls if that isn t asking too much). My adoption fee includes my neuter surgery vaccinations microchip and the very best part is you get to bring ME home with you. I promise to fill your days with lots of love and probably a few laughs too Primary Color White Weight 63 Age 5yrs 1mths 1wks... More Info



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