Wanetta - Female Labrador Retriever Mix

Hello there My name is Wanetta. As you can see I m a beautiful young Lab mix. I ve been down on my luck and somehow ended up here at the shelter. They don t know much about my history but I must have had puppies recently. I m so grateful they took me in kept me safe and gave me some good food. I have been resting here but now it s time to find a family of my own.The nice staff and volunteers have learned that I am approximately 3 years old so I m out of the puppy stages. I am very calm quiet and gentle. I adore people and love to go on walks. I will walk right next to you and do not pull so I would be a great walking partner for someone who wants to take slow walks.I have been a good girl in my kennel just waiting for the right family to notice me.Please visit me today and see how special I am. Big hugs Wanetta Primary Color Black Secondary Color White Weight 47 Age 3yrs 0mths 2wks... More Info



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