Ola - Female American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

Hello and thanks for stopping by Pleased to meet you. My name is Ola . The nice volunteers say I m really sweet.. I am an active happy go lucky girl and am I m well behaved once I ve been exercised. Running in a yard a walk in the park or a hike in the trails sounds like a good way for us to enjoy the weather and spend time together Since I am about 8 months old I am still very much a puppy my previous family started housetraining me but I will probably need a quick refresher once I get into my new home. According to my previous family I have done well around other dogs and even cats. I m a quick learner too so with yummy treats and belly rubs you can teach me all sorts of neat things. Please visit me today and see how special I am Sweet paws Ola Primary Color Brindle- Brown Secondary Color White Weight 33 Age 0yrs 8mths 1wks... More Info



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