Norbit - Male American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

Howdy. How are you on this great day Who is this FRIENDLY HANDSOME fellow you may ask My name is Norbit and kind of like the movie character that lived in an orphanage for a while here I am waiting patiently at the shelter. What s great about that movie is that Norbit has a happy ending which I just KNOW will happen to me too. Could it be with you Read on to see if we make a PAWFECT MATCH. Since I ve been here the volunteers have learned these things First I am GOOD ON A LEASH and I LOVE TREATS (This is great for any training you d like to do. I even KNOW SIT already). Since I potty when I go outside I APPEAR HOUSETRAINED. I have GOOD MANNERS in general too. I have a nice MEDIUM ENERGY so after we are done PLAYING or perhaps going for a WALK OUTSIDE I would enjoy cuddling up next to you for a snooze (Even though I may look macho I really do enjoy a cuddle or two.) a BELLY RUB or some TV time. I will happily SOAK UP ANY ATTENTION that you d like to give me If you have other pets at home PROPER INTRODUCTIONS are a MUST to set us up for success. If you need tips about how to do this please ask staff for assistance. My adoption fee includes my neuter surgery vaccinations microchip and much more. Primary Color Brown Secondary Color White Weight 50 Age 6yrs 1mths 2wks... More Info



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