Bernadette - Female Shepherd (Unknown Type) Mix

Hi there I m Bernadette and I love people playing with my sister and relaxing in the sunshine. I am a 10 month old Shepherd Husky mix with a wisdom beyond my years. I can be a little bit shy at first but I can do anything when my sister Paprika is by my side While I am nervous and reserved at first the nice man that fostered me before I came to Faithful Friends says that I am a silly playful girl when I get comfortable I play well with other dogs of all sizes big and small so a furry companion would be no problem for me In fact I would probably prefer to be in a home with another canine unless my human was going to be home a lot. Am I the best friend you are missing in your life right now Come meet me and let s find out Primary Color Red Brown Secondary Color White Weight 40 Age 0yrs 10mths 2wks... More Info



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