Johnny Ringo - Male American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

Howdy. How are you on this fine day Who is this FRIENDLY HANDSOME young guy with such a SPUNKY PERSONALITY you may ask My name is Johnny Ringo and I am so glad you stopped by to see me. I would like to share some things about myself so you can see if we make a PAWFECT MATCH. First I am GOOD ON A LEASH and I LOVE TREATS (I even take them GENTLY) which helps with any training you d like to do. I even KNOW SIT (as long as I know a treat is coming my way ). I also have GOOD MANNERS in general although I might let a jump slip here and there but that s just because I m so excited and happy to be with you A CALM ASSERTIVE pack leader would be just the ticket to help me correct this. I have a nice MEDIUM ENERGY so after we are done PLAYING or perhaps going for a WALK OUTSIDE I would enjoy cuddling up next to you for a snooze some BELLY RUBS or some TV time. I will happily SOAK UP ANY ATTENTION that you d like to give me too If you have other pets at home PROPER INTRODUCTIONS are a MUST to set us up for success. If you need tips about how to do this please ask staff for assistance. My adoption fee includes my neuter surgery vaccinations microchip and much more. The good news is that I m NEUTERED ALREADY so I can go home with you right away TODAY Primary Color Brindle- Black Weight 55 Age 2yrs 2mths 2wks... More Info



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