Scooby - Male American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

Hi everyone my name is Scooby and I am an adult male American Staffordshire Terrier mix. I ve quickly won the hearts of the volunteers and they report that He is an awesome walker and gives super sweet kisses what can I say I m a heartthrob. Per the volunteers I am a really sweet boy who walks great on the leash already knows SIT and loves belly rubs. Unfortunately I have heartworms but I can be treated. I am totally worth it In fact I have a sponsorship of 250 from the Heal-a-Hearth Fund to help with my treatment so don t let my health status discourage you. My adoption fee is 95 and includes my neuter surgery vaccinations microchip and much more. So what are you waiting for adopt me today Love Scooby. Primary Color White Secondary Color Brindle- Black Weight 46 Age 2yrs 2mths 1wks... More Info



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