Blue Nose Pit Pups For Sale-Beautiful Smart and loyal-Must See

I have 11 pit puppies for sale for 300.00 they were born October 21st (3 weeks old) and there are 6 girls and 5 boys. They are growing well and are happy pups. They a weaning from their mama now and doing quite well. They are Fully potty trained to a training pad. They will come with 1st shots and deworming records a picture of Sire Dam and all the infomation about the pups first 8 weeks that i have wrote down. I will also provide a zip lock bag of Diamond the Pup food they are eating (great food all my dogs eat it The will be ready for rehoming December 16th. No papers the Dogs can show you more than the papers could ever tell you. Price is for the most part FIRM...however I may be willing to make exceptions on a few pups and only under special circumstances and or certain agreements. Please know for me to break even on this size litter it will cost me 200.00 per pup and 8 weeks of hard work believe me it is not easy or fun. This litter is too much on mama it s killing her I have to get up every two hrs to feed pups. shots worming will be close to 200.00 for this litter and the goat milk special foods moms care.....believe me I am not making money. Also I feel if you work hard for something it means more to people and the gives the pup a better chance at a good happy life. I am not a breeder and I have own pits for over 25 years. I opt to have this one litter because my cousin is gonna get one of these pups and in a few years let me have the gift of having Yahma Sire Grandpup. Yahma is very special he is smart loyal loving Protector and he has given me and my family and others more than we deserve I fell very sick a couple of years ago and i am still recovering. Along with my family Yahma was right there right beside me he gave me help in anyway he could. If i couldn t get up his massive strength and deciation helped me up. When I was too sick to get out of bed he would go get me my meds. When I was weak he made me stong...he was the only one that could make me laugh. And then there is Junkyard Jael Dam so loving smart and just Stunning This litter is very important to me I would keep every one if I was a selfish person I pray they bing thei new families what their mom and dad has given me and mine. And I look forward to the moment that I can give Yahma s grandpup all the love joy respect lolality and laughter than Yahma gave me and so many other people. I have lots of pictures if you are interested in seeing them i can text or email them to you this site takes too too long to upload my photos. Or better yet you may come see in person. They will be going fast I suppose 3 are already sold. Thank you for your time.



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