Pure breed long haired Chihuahua Female

Born on 10 July 2014.This little girl is socialized potty trained on pads and outside. Loves her walks ) She also already knows the word cookies . We are still working on her sitting. But she does not beg and waits for her food.She enjoys running around chew sticks little squiky toys. She will curl up with you and or sleep on bed or in her own bed. Wakes you up to go potty.The puppy will be perfect for a warm loving family that will make her part of your own. She has a very good disposition in character. She has good eye contact. Not a barker loves kids and everyone else.Distinct coloring is strawberry-blonde with some white white tip tail Green eyes and white booties. Her hair is getting long and she is getting more cute everyday.She is up-to-date on second series of shots plus deworming. 950 Please Txt (707) 339-0027



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