FIKSE Custom Wheels with Pilot Sport Tires Set of 4- Great Deal!

Gentleman- Start your Engines For Sale- A full set of FIKSE Custom Professional High Performance Race Wheels with Tires. I bought these from another car fanatic for my Porsche GT3 who only put 100 or so miles on them- I put about 2K on them- street only. I have lots of pics so you can see they are in great shape. I am cleaning up my garage at Gasoline Alley at Summit Point Race Track and my loss can be your gain Wheels are FIKSE Wheels List for 4200.00 plus the 1200.00 Tires Michelin Pilot Sport High Performance Race Series Front 235 40 ZA 18 (91Y) new ea 205.00 Rear 315 30 ZR 18 (98Y) new ea 483.00 Tire prices were pulled from Wheels and tires new 6 776.00 asking for 4200.00 Serious Inquiries only please- no trades. Local pick up (you haul) Cash only- no trades. First come first serve. I also have a Ultralight Aluminum tire Trailer by Trailex for Sale- used very little paid 1800.00 with tax- asking 1100.00 Both are currently at my garage at Summit Point Raceway and can bring them the Tyson s if needed for pick up. 3800.00 obo- will take no less than 3500.00- these are a steal



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