Rabbits for sale

We have 6 dutch bunnies and 1 Holland lop for sale. One dutch with border around picture is a 10 month old buck with good markings and disposition. The 5 bunnies there is 4 females and 1 male and they are 6 weeks old and one of the females has 1 blue eye. They all have great dispositions. The Holland lop we are not sure of age for he was abandoned and we took him in he is a neutered male and loves to sit in your lap and get petted he is also great with kids. We are asking 30 for the 10 month old buck 25 each for the 6 week old bunnies and 20 for the Holland lop. Please call or text at 970-373-6635 and please no calls or text messages after 10 pm or before 6 am and also only those who are really serious to contact me. Thanks for looking.



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