Tea-cup Kc Reg Maltese Terrier Boys For Sale

I have a litter of three absolutely tiny and extremely handsome Maltese Terrier boys looking for new homes. One is UNDER DEPOSIT ONLY TWO AVAILABLE. THE PICTURE WITH THE SCALES TAKEN ON 26th SEPTEMBER AT 6 WEEKS OF AGE MINIATURE BOYS WHO WILL STAY TINY Our puppies were born in a lovely home environment and have been given the best start in life. They have been around people and dogs since they were born so they are very sociable and would make ideal pets. They have all the correct markings for the breed beautiful and silky coats already. Their mum is almost 3 years old this is her first and maybe last litter as she is the smallest dog you can imagine so she had to have a C-SECTION She is ONE in a million is 6 inches tall to shoulder and has very short body She has long white silky and quite a thick hair coat. Therefore you are guaranteed to have miniature dogs which can make great studs in the future She is a pocket size princess with a lovely temperament. She has a very short nose with excellent jet black points.The father is also tiny with a beautiful long pearl white ha YOU CAN TEXT ME ON (240) 317-4561



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