Tent Rentals for Outdoor Celebrations in Surrey - Price: contact

Outdoor celebrations can be fun. One can use the ample space and decorate the outdoors as per their need and choice. They can let the tent rentals and party organizers to turn your event into a success.Save on Tents & Party Rentals is a one of a kind tent rentals company in Surrey offering different services for making your event a success. From lavish weddings birthday parties to business luncheons we help you celebrate with panache and ease. Some of our major services include audio visual services tenting set up staging wedding set up bone china etc. For more details contact us today. Contact Details 12973 80 Ave Surrey BC V3W 3B1 Office (604) 592-9922 Cell (778) 242-4815 I (604) 512-5139 Email save_on_partyrental(at)hotmail.com Website www.saveonpartyrentals.ca



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