American Staffodshire Terrier Cattle Dog mix needs a good home

Bandit is a 1-2 year old American Staffordshire Terrier Cattle Dog mix our best guess. I am fostering him for the Pit Bulls For Life Rescue in Grants Pass OR. Bandit is a very sweet affectionate stuck to your side dog. Bandit is very friendly and has great social skills with other dogs outside of a home environment. Inside a home he becomes a little grumpy and wants all the attention on him and doesn t want to share with other dogs. For this reason it would be best if he went to a single dog home but he is in no way unfriendly. He is also very friendly with cats he is sweet and gentle with them. After evaluating him I have deemed the best home for Bandit would be an older couple or a mellow home as he doesn t like a lot of exercise he likes short walks and is ready to go home after a couple of blocks although he loves playing with toys. He also doesn t like being left alone he will whine but hasn t touched anything in my house just a lot of whining. He is very smart and want a nothing more than to be with his person all the time If you are interested in Bandit give the Pit Bulls For Life Rescue a message on Facebook or you can contact me and we can set up a meet and greet and I will let them know of your interest. Bandit has never known a home of his own so please help me find his forever home



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