Akc boxer pups northern Texas ready for homes

These adorable little pups are 4 weeks old (12-09-2014) and will come with health guarantee Akc papers and my shot records. The puppies father s sire was a 5 time grand champ and was built a lot like Presley the puppies father . The puppies mother came from a well-known kennel in Arkansas from a lady who has been raising the bloodline for nearly 30 years so these pups have a lot going for them If you would like to see pics of pups and parents please visit my website mikesalsbury1578.wix.com steel-claws-kennel . Feel free to call me as well 9034011578 . I will offer shipping and will also be willing to meet buyer . Prices start at 600 and I will accept deposits by what ever means but I prefer paypall .



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