Trained Started Labradoodle For Sale

Want a puppy without the hassel of a puppy Well a started puppy is the answer for you. Our started pups come household ready. This is because they have been living in our house since birth. This means not only are they potty trained and crate trained but they also have household manners. No eating food off counters jumping up on people or destroying your shoes socks and undies. Currently we only have one started pup available. His name is Smokey. Smokey is a 7 month old gray 70 lb male labradoodle - microchipped vaccinated and neutered. He is a true gentle giant Smokey knows basic obedience skills such as sit down stay leave it and can walk nicely on a leash. Additionally Smokey has had 2 months of agility training and loves to run through tunnels jump and can hand target. Smokey wait patiently by the door or for his food until released. Smokey would be an awesome addition to any household - whether that be a family dog elderly companion dog or a therapy dog Smokey has the calm friendly focus that make him a true pleasure.



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