Thank You for you interest in our French Bulldogs. We currently have 2 frenchies readily available. Pepe male & & Tootsie Girl. They are nine weeks old each.They are from our Championship family cream Dixie Bell and our Delicious chocolate guy Chocolate Chip. We take pride in elevating the very best little Frenchies.We have actually been raising French bulldogs for over 5 years. We have actually discovered caring houses for them many of the states. Our French bulldogs are increased below in our home on three acres. We like to take pride that we are active with our children & & our child are raised in our residence and not in a captive kennel Our child are complimentary to run they are liking little characters. Our Frenchies are complete energy love and love waiting for there perfect the homes of be found. Each Frenchies has it own distinct individuality that you simply can t assist however like. Some could call the Frenchies mimes yet we call them our little fur babies. Each of our French Bulldogs are AKC Registered with no constraints marked. Our children feature all of his or hers current inoculations. We are asking 400.00 for them.We utilized the United Airlines Animal Safe Program for delivery.



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