LOST Large Husky KIlIAN

I am reaching out to Anyone in the Fayetteville and surrounding areas in hopes of finding my dog who was lost or stolen around the middle of October. He is very large husky mix but looks wolfish. He is very freindly wearing a choker with a fay rabies vaccination with his name - Kilian scratched into the back. He was last seen in the Devonwood Morgantong rd area and i am extremely worried about him . Please contact me immedeatelty if you have ANY information as to his whereabouts. I am offering a substantial reward and much appreciation for any help . He is like my first child and i can not imagine this life without him. He is very big and wolfish looking but very freindly and i know he misses his home. Please Help me Find Him and bring him Home. Any info will help even if you think its irrelevant if you think you saw him or heard something or ANYTHING --- PLEASE CALL IMMMEDEATELY Any Potential Info Is STILL POTENTIAL INFO THANK YOU BUDDY LOCKLEAR - 252-876-3020 -- benz_214bh4l2000(at)yahoo.com ROBIN YOUNG --- 405-505-5313



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