Tiny Cute Maltese Puppies NO RED Staining 2 Girls and 1 Boy

I have 2 Females and 1 Male Maltese Available. These babies are raised in our home by our babies. I own both mom and dad. Mom is 4.5 lbs and Dad is 4 lbs. The puppies grow up to be small...usually between 4-5 lbs. I have a daughter from the first litter and she is full grown at 3lbs. Our puppies are raised in our home and eat a raw diet when pregnant and nursing. This creates a very healthy puppy. The rest of the time we free a grain free diet. Our puppies do not have tear staining and are WHITE We do not allow the puppies outside. These babies are raised in our home only. Our puppies will come current on vaccinations and wormings. Our babies are raised my my 7 year old daughter so they are great with children. My daughter plays with them daily since they were born. The girls are 350 each and the boy(who is the tiniest of all) will be 250. I can send additional pics of the babies if needed Please do not text me questions. Please text your name and number and I will call you back or just call me. I would like to know about you as well before adopting my babies out. These babies not be available till Sept 8th as these will be when there are 8 weeks old



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