Puggle 10 month puppy

We moved from a 4-acre yard to a small city lot on a busy street with basically no yard and also no fence...so our 10-month old male puggle needs a new home. He is neutered micro-chipped house-broken and very affectionate and loving - always needs to have you in his view or at least your foot to sit on. The price includes a day crate (large) and a travel crate (smaller). The price also includes a professional grade dog-hair dryer (he is so easy to wash in the tub) toys several beds leashes nail trimmer his treats shampoo food - everything you need to get started - you supply the love He has been taught to go to his bed or to another room he can sit or lay on command and to also shake both paws and roll over on command (usually he does this automatically if he knows he is getting a treat). He loves attention and is a very good boy - not a mean bone in his little body. You can take food or a toy out of his mouth if you want too - he doesn t bite and was taught to calmly take things from our hand by saying to him nice . He also loves to play fetch and tug-a-war. Let him win on occasion - he will feel inferior Cooper is up to date with shots - the next one he will need is Bordetella (A.K.A. Kennel Cough) if you intend to board kennel him. He is able to stay in his crate for long periods and has never made a mess in his crate or in the house as he will let you know that he needs to go out. We need to know that he is going to a good home. This will allow us to know that he is getting the attention and love he deserves.



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