AGS Gerbils For Reserve

I am the only American Gerbil Society registered breeder in West Virginia as of right now. I ve got a great selecion of 19 breeders that were just shipped in (some with amazing genetics). I am offering pup reservations on upcoming litters. It s 10 for one 17 for two 25 for three. However I will only sell you a single gerbil if you already have one and you are willing to introduce the two. Gerbils are clan creatures and need others to socialize properly. Keeping a solitary gerbil is bad for them mentally. Anyways there are no litters yet but there will be within the next month or two. I ll also have a few litters ready just in time for Christmas Gerbils are amazing pets. They re great for kids teens and adults alike. They re almost like miniature dogs I promise you ll love them And if you don t I ll be happy to take them back. However since my sales of gerbils go towards my breeding there are no refunds. All of my gerbils are healthy curious little bundles of joy and that s how they ll come to you. You ll also receive a pamphlet on caring for the gerbils. And of course you can ask me any questions you like. If you re thinking about buying a gerbil simply text me at 3044105129 or email me at honda0199(at) to receive a screening questionaire. Thank you



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