AKC English Bulldog puppies-11 weeks

Billy s Bulldogs is proud to offer our Male English Bulldog puppies from Elsi Mae and Bodacious. Elsi is our Black Seal that carries Blue and Bodacious comes from Champion Bloodlines. We are a small breeder of English Bulldogs and focus our attention on the quality of the breed rather than quantity. All our bulldog puppies are raised inside with the family receiving care and much love. These pups are healthy and beautiful and mom and dad are onsite for viewing as well. Currently listed at 2500 payment plans available 500 down and 250 for 8 months. We accept cash money order and paypal(3% extra charge for fees). For more information please contact us Billy Garner (at) 903-271-0973. www.billysbulldogs(at)yahoo.com



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