Tennessee Walker mare

Six year old black mare. I raised her from a baby of three months. She is very inquisitive and likes attention. She comes when called and does not bite buck or rear. She comes when called. No chasing here. I have been doing ground work on her using Clinton Anderson s methods. I have had a trainer working with her. She can be ridden but still needs more training and more saddle time. The trainer has done a great job with her. She is patient and takes her time. It breaks my heart to sell her. I am just trying to learn to ride again and I do not have the riding ability required to ride a green horse. I just want someone who will give Spirit a good home and give her the attention she deserves. I know she is going to be a great horse for someone. She is out of I m Armed and Pushy and sired by Pusher s Fine Art. Her grandfather is Gen s Armed and Dangerous WGC. She has 7 world grand champions in her pedigree. Her shots are up to date and she has a negative coggins. Her registered name is Spirit of Fine Art and her birthdate is 05 15 08.



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