Protect Your Office Premise By Installing LED Emergency Exit Sig

No matter how attractive or beautiful ambiance or lights we have but in the case of emergencies such as fire or earthquake only the bright emergency exit sign can help us to evacuate the area at the earliest and reach to the safer locations. Among many kinds of lights you can fix LED Emergency Exit Signs at your office or other commercial buildings which have an increased number of visitors visiting the premises. Advantages of using a LED emergency exit sign are as follows With the color temperature of 3000K these LED emergency exit signs are perfect to show the exit way in case of all kind of stressful situations. The beam angle of 91 degree offers much visibility to the people to move out fast from the building. These lightweight exit signs come with 2 years of warranty from the manufacturer s end. Once installed you can look for the security and safety of the workers or employees at your place for a period of at least 50 000. These LED emergency exit signs use just 1 watt of electricity to produce 10 lumens that is sufficient enough to ensure the safety of the people in all kind of panicked circumstances. Ensuring the safety of your employees or workers is your responsibility which should not be overlooked and by using these Eco-friendly exit signs you are doing a favor to them that can help them in saving their lives.



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