Rousanne Rou - Female Shepherd (Unknown Type) Mix

Rou and her sister Mari are a very bonded loving pair. Both girls have been together there entire lives and rely on each other. Both dogs are complete snuggle bugs house trained love to ride in cars love to hang out right by your side. Excellent companion dogs. Raised on a vineyard introduced to other animals have an interest in cats but only an interest. Excellent family dogs.Rou is 17 months of age and weighs approximately 50 pounds.Come and meet Rou & Mari (at) Green Dog Rescue Project10342 Old Redwood Hwy Windsor CA 95492-----XAdoption fee is 200Adoption Hours Wednesday by appointmentThur-Sat from noon-4PM-.-----.-learn more about our adoption process -X -.-----.- adoptable-dogs.html ... More Info



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