Arceus - Female Domestic Shorthair

Arceus is a lovey-dovey 3 month old female kitten. Her black orange coloring is known as the tortoiseshell pattern torti for short. She and her brother Charizard (orange tabby) were found in Camden City at just 4 weeks old and had to be bottle-fed at first. As a result they love being handled and snuggled. They greatly enjoy playing and snuggling with each other so we plan to adopt them out as a pair. Both are fixed have all but their vaccines except the final kitten booster (due at 4 months of age) fecal test negative for parasites and are negative for FIV and feline leukemia. Charizard and Arceus grew up in a foster home with kids cats and dogs...they get along with everyone Come meet them at our Petco adoption center 2230 Rt 70 W in Cherry Hill NJ. Walk-in adoption hours are 11am-3pm Saturdays and Sundays or e-mail -XX(at)------XX to schedule a weeknight appointment.... More Info



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