2 Pit Bull Puppies

Hi my name is retired Sgt Michael Poirier I have 2 Amazing puppies But with moving moving to Fayetteville NC has been hard the place that we have moved to will not allow my family and I to put up a fence so that they can run free We have had Bullseye and Angel since they were 3 weeks old we Bottle fed them for 4 weeks played with them and have fallen in love with them got all of their shots and they are both fixed one female and one male. we all wish that we can keep them but they need to have a place that they can run free and play and live with a family that will love them as we do and always will But also I am a disabled Vet. and playing with them on a leash is very hard to do because they just want to be free to run and play. If you are interested Please contact me on my cell via text Or you may call will text pics of them both.. And Please no texting and saying that you will mail a check and it be from a false place we have already had some one try and scam our family My family and I are just trying to find a for ever home for our puppies to be loved unconditionally. and played with Great with kids and other animals...



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