Why not buy Las Vegas?

Sandy Margolin Realtor and Appraiser Prudential Americana. www.YourNevadaHomeBuys.com Realtrchik(at)aol.com 702-683-3362 Before moving to Las Vegas I sold and appraised residential real estate in California for 16 years. I have been residing in Las Vegas Nevada for over 2 years now. I have opened my own company called Real Estate Values . I am a Certified Real Estate Appraiser in both Nevada and California as well a licensed Realtor in both Nevada and California. I offer patience knowledge experience and the desire to establish a lifetime relationship.. Before my Real Estate career I was a Sign Language Interpreter. My hobbies are music dancing and Martial Arts which I have earned my black belt in Hapkido. I would love to be the one to help you find your dream home



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