Home and Office Assistant/Elder Care/ Child Care and more - Comp

SUPERB HOME HEALTH AIDE HOME OR BUSINESS ORGANIZER I want to recommend with GREAT enthusiasm our family s Home Health Aide Chris who is available following the deaths of both of my elderly parents over Christmas. Chris worked with us for about five years and made a HUGE difference in my folks quality of life. Chris was the reason they were able to stay at home which was their biggest wish. She interfaced with doctors meds ultimately hospice help... the works. She became best friend to my mom when love was most needed. Chris is organized professional thoughtful - a self starter who knows how to take care of the elderly better than any other aide I ve ever met. She s a homegrown Fairfield County woman with an adult daughter and KNOWS how our families need to be treated. She becomes PART of the family. Chris also is good with children and pets (LOVES dogs) and she can run a household including the books business... she has managed her own small business and is a bookkeeper. She s a gem and I can t recommend her highly enough. Call Christine at 203-522-0921 For a reference feel free to contact me directly wkadler(at)yahoo.com 203-524-0146



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