Adorable Yorkshire TerriorShihtzu mix

Missy is a very sweet obedient smart playful 2 year old spayed Yorkie Shihtzu mix. She s wonderful with other animals and children (even not so gentle toddlers) is potty trained (can be alone for a full work day with no issues) rarely barks and has never chewed anything up. She loves to be outside in nice weather and has proven herself to be an amazing travel dog (camping beach hotels etc.). We rescued Missy a little over a year ago and have worked hard to help her overcome her first nine months of life in an abusive home. Since we ve had her she s grown in to a wonderful companion and has learned to trust people again. Sadly we ve moved in to a duplex and have to find her a new home. Missy comes with around 200 worth of goodies - beds shampoos specialty combs brushes nail clippers outfits etc. Please call or text to schedule a time to meet Missy and see if she s a good fit for your home or (971) 295-9277 or (503) 730-3563.



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