Siberian Puppies for Sale with Blue Eyes. 1 Female Light Red And 1 Male Black White.The Siberian Huskys love kids and they are good with more dogs. I will be selling them with AKC Papers. With Limited Registation and with Full Registretion they start at 650.00 I will deworm and first Shot its include and information sheet about this Breed its include. We are excepting 200 NON REFUNDABLE deposits which will be taken off the final price. . All puppies will have their shots at 6 and 9 weeks old and wormed. The third shot should be given at 12 weeks. For more information you can call me at 540 542-9913. and also you can see pictures in facebook in my account call Winchester VA Siberian Husky Thank you W.D - See more at dogs-ad114725714.htm sthash.veROuFtM.dpuf



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