Lost female dog small reddishblond medium hair long noseWoodward

Guinevere looks like a little fox with strawberry blond hair a pink collar with fake diamonds and is microchipped. She s 14 years old about 12 pounds and is a fearful dog. She has a green X on her stomach signifying she has been fixed. She was lost about 4 p.m. Saturday April 26 at Woodward Park and Rice Road. Her nickname is Gwinny. Because she s fearful it s very important that you don t chase her or yell out her name. We don t want her running off and getting hit by a car. If you can just sit down and see if she ll come to you. The most important thing YOU can do is CALL ME. That way I know she is still alive and still has a chance of coming home. Thank you so much. Please call 559-437-0507. If no one answers PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE telling me what the dog you ve sighted looks like where you spotted it and a phone number where I can reach you.



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