Huge Rummage Sale - Price: make offers

Thursday Aug.22 Friday Aug.23 and Saturday Aug 24 (10am - 4pm) Huge Rummage Sale at 175 Ericksons Drive Iron River Michigan. Turn by Bates Township Hall...Follow the signs. Some of the items we have are Tons of Christmas Stuff Furniture Microwave Book Cases Tons of Craft Stuff 8 Track Player with Tons of 8 Tracks Different Size Toaster Ovens Kids Bikes of all Sizes Movies DVD Player and VHS Players Dishes of all Kinds Cook Books Books- Steven King novels and Home Improvement books ect. Camping Stuff Sleeping Bags Table Top Grill ect. Lots of antiques Chairs and Table Lamps ect. Kitchen Table and Chairs Retro Style. M& M People in Chairs and Much Much More. Lots of great stuff if you still need to get your kids ready for college.



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