Massage 31" Montclair Professional Portable Massage Table Pa

Call - 808.304.8192Order Online - www.shaypurealoha.comSave the receipt from ordering on the site for tax write off.Makes a great gift or professional use.Free Fedex Shipping to all islands31 width x 84 length x 24 to 34 height adjustable the table itself weighs only 36lbs3 Small Cell foam and a layer of Memory foam Oil & Waterproof CFC-free PU Upholstery - with denim-like reinforcement backing for extra durability in BlackMahogany Hardwood Legs - with rich hi-gloss Dura-Seal protected finish Features Reiki Panels and Shiatsu Cable Release.Dual Soft-Touch Leg Knobs - for easy grip safety and stability1000lbs. Aircraft-grade steel support cables give the table a working capacity of 750lbsAccessories included Innovated Ergonomic Dream Face Cradle Memory Foam Face Cushion Fully Padded Arm Shelf and a Free Carrying Case



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