Tweetie - Female Domestic Shorthair

Hello My name is Tweetie I showed up at a house made some new friends and they have allowed me to live in the garage until they find new parents for me. I have seen the vet and I have my rabies shot fvrcp booster and have been dewormed and spayed. I need a home with someone that will play with me love me take good care of me because I m a cool cat. Can you help me find a home please Adoption Fee 35 which includes vaccinations rabies deworming negative blood test & spay neuter. A healthy pet is a happy pet Protect your pet s health with Healthy Paws Pet Insurance and save up to 90% on your vet bills. Visit Healthy Paws Pet Insurancefor your free quote (use code HSCMC for a special discount) and learn how your protected pet helps save more homeless pets ... More Info



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