CADEN - Male Miniature Pinscher

CADEN is a 1 year old red neutered male docked tail & natural ears 11 lbs and 12 . Shots up-to-date & micro-chipped. Caden was born 8 7 2015 in rescue. Superman Caden is a wonderful active loving and playful boy. He gets along very well with other dogs. Caden loves everyone He gives wonderful kisses. Caden is crate trained but loves to sleep with his humans cuddled up next to his human family members. He walks on leash and enjoys a good walk and playtime with toys and balls. He has been potty trained by his foster mom by being taken out on regular schedules and he will let her know when it is time for him to do his business. Being that Caden is still young he will adapt well into any family situation. Please fill out the IMPS Adoption Application if you think that this super sweet guy Caden is the boy for you. He is looking for a loving and active Forever Home For more photos of Caden please Caden s Photo Album... More Info



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