Roxette - Female Chihuahua

NAME RoxetteAGE GENDER 9 years old femaleBREED Chihuahua Mix TEMPERAMENT Sweet and LovingWEIGHT 10 lbsHOUSE TRAINING Great CRATE TRAINING Great OTHER DOGS Should go to a home with another calm dog for companionship CATS UnknownCHILDREN Dog-respectful children 8 and olderADOPTION DONATION 325.00HEALTH Roxette is spay neutered microchipped flea treated dewormed and is current on vaccines. Your adoption donation goes toward the cost of this vet care as well as other incidental costs of care. In addition all pets adopted from Motley Zoo come with a free 30 day trial of free pet insurance provided by 24PetWatch.HISTORY Motley Zoo Animal Rescue was asked to find Roxette a great forever family and that is exactly what we plan to do NOTES FROM ROXETTE S FOSTER HOME Roxette s a sweet older lady that needs to earn your trust. When I first took her into my home I gave her space until she was ready to get to know me and my other dogs. It took a little time and once she started to get more comfortable she wanted to be with me all the time. It has been a process but the change in her couldn t be more rewarding. She is very loving and often shows her love with a shower of kisses. She loves a lazy day and just hanging out with her people especially if it is on the deck soaking up the sun. She is very quiet except when it s mealtime where she spins dances and vocalizes Who doesn t like meal time Her nail quicks are very long so her nails require weekly trimmings. Regular walks on concrete may help with this issue too. She is a warm cuddle bug and sleeps through the night. She can be a wonderful pet for someone who isn t expecting an immediate love connection. True love takes time. )All dogs adopted from Motley Zoo come with a leash and Martingale collar (or a harness if necessary) depending on each dog s particular needs. We also send home additional flea treatment and deworming medication for your future use.ABOUT MOTLEY ZOO Motley Zoo Animal Rescue is a volunteer run foster based 501(c)(3) non-profit animal rescue organization based in Redmond WA. Motley Zoo does not have a traditional shelter location but instead utilizes private foster homes which care for the animals individually in a home environment until a furever home is found.Motley Zoo also runs Rock Star Treatment Dog Daycare & Training Studio in Redmond WA which is a day-use facility and does not hold kennels of adoptable animals. The dogs there are owned animals who come to the facility while their families are at work and school so they can play and socialize in a safe environment. We dub this service our Year-round fundraising program which helps us support our rescue animals and the 15 000 month vet bills we incur. This Studio location does have an Adoptable Cat Lounge where cats may live until adoption which is the exception to any aforementioned rules.Please email -XX(at)----X and request an adoption application so we can get you started on the journey to finding a new furry friend Once you have been approved to adopt then we can set up a meeting with the animal you have been matched with.For more information please visit -.---.-.Thank you for considering adopting a dog in need Woof The Motley Zoo Crew 50527 ... More Info



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