Selling a large quantity of Antiques Architectural Items (including 100 year old American leaded stained glass windows Victorian mantels (wood and marble) turn-of-the-century ornamental cast iron heat registers columns etc) Vintage Coin-Operated Rides (including Indian Scout Sandy Toonerville Trolley Donald Duck etc. - all operable) Lighting (gas electric and oil) and a Huge Assortment of Miscellaneous. I will be set up at the Pulaski Flea Market - outside and behind the BINGO building (located at 12420 Pulaski Highway Baltimore County MD 21085). Will be there Sunday between 8 AM to 1 PM. For any additional information please feel free to contact Mel at (C) (410) 303-5059. Additionally we provide estate liquidations - one piece or the entire estate I am always interested in purchasing quality Antiques All Pre-1960 s Toys Vintage Watches Clocks Advertisement Art Pottery and Art Glass Folk Art Decoys Musical Instruments Period Furniture Gold and Silver (including Jewelry Silverware and Coins) Paintings Bronzes ... ANYTHING OF VALUE MD Precious Metals License 246317.



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