solid 1986 mustang gt convertible - Price: 3300

Hello I have a solid 86 Mustang GT convertible. I am the third owner and the car presently has 116- miles bought it 6 years ago with 108-. Car has new fuel pump new BBK equal lengths BBK catted H pipe and new Pypes axle back. Transmission was rebuilt about 6 years ago and motor mounts and tranny mount was replaced with Prothane mounts. Most of the sensors on the motor are new along with the battery. Car is a good driver. Paint is not perfect but not bad either. Car currently has Pony rims on but have the stock 10 hole rims and tires in the basement. I also installed a 2 1 2 cowl hood but have stock GT hood in garage. Interior overall is not bad at all just has a crack on dash pad and a crack on the center console cover.



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