Bailey lovely girl easy - Female WhippetTerrier (Unknown Type Me

Located in Sacsee adoption process at-.-X.-XLocated in Sacmatching approved adopter picks up thereBailey is a 1.5 - 2 years year old sweet girl that LOVES being loved snuggles and be by your side and in your lapShe has medium energy so a daily walk and some playtime is all she needs along with tons of snuggles and love She lives for love and her plush toys Bailey is a cute superloving fun big personality dogShe loves to run she is very fast see her body style looks whippet so she is very fast running a big fenced yard is ideal unless you re a jogger she may like that tooShes LOVES plush toys and chew bones enjoys the pool so may likes the lake and boating likes going on walks and meeting new peopleGood with kids and dogs ok with cats but likes to chase small animals so prefer a cat rodent free homeIf kids at home we prefer a nice child over 10 yearshas not lived with little kids so we won t adopt her with anyadult home as a side kick idealsomeone that s home during the day has time and lots of love and at least mobile enough to go for daily walks and playBailey lives with a 120 pound male dog and best buddy with him as well as a 12 pound male dogbut he s too small for her to playBailey weighs 25-30 lbs and 17 tall from floor to top of her back. Bailey knows basic commands like sit lay down and come. Bailey is very smart and willing to learn new tricks or just get lovedBailey is very sweet and loves meeting new people and children on her walksBailey is good with other dogs of all sizes but since she only lived with male dogs we prefer a younger male that s good natured and bigger then herthat likes to play some or just hang out togetherShe would do well in a home with folks looking to pamper spoil and make her part of the familySomeone that s home during the day looking for a best buddyShe would make a great older girls companion playbuddy maybe even dress up and running around chasing the ball maybe swim together etcPrefer no apartments unless everything else is ideal and matching Please apply if you feel this cutie could be your forever buddyAdoption fee. References fenced yard pictures of homeAdoption fee. References fenced yard pictures of home... More Info



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