JAX - Male Italian GreyhoundPit Bull Terrier Mix

AVAILABLE FOR A LOVING FAMILY Jax is a three year old 37 lb male Italian Greyhound Pit Bull mix a Greybull how cool is that He is a gorgeous combination of these two breeds with the sleek athletic build of the Italian Greyhound and the loving kind disposition of the American Pit Bull Terrier. Jax is good with dogs of all sizes and confident cats. He loves riding in the car laying in the sun hiking and would make a great running partner. Jax is the perfect combination of relaxed mellow boy and great walking hiking partner. He is very intelligent and would love to go to training classes or learn new tricks with his forever family. Jax can be shy initially when meeting new people in the home but his warm personality shines through once he gets to know you. His ideal home environment would be calm possibly with another dog in the home and where he wouldn t be left alone for long stretches of time. He is crate trained and completely house trained. His adoption fee of 225.00 includes his neuter microchip and current vaccinations. For an adoption application visit -X ----X.- adoption-application-dogs or email SPOT at -X(at)-----XX to meet Jax To follow Jax on her way to a loving family on SPOT s Facebook page visit -XX --XX.- spotsavespets ... More Info



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